Monday, November 21, 2011

Sorry I have been gone

Hello and Happy Monday Lovely's,

GG and Poppy
I am so sorry that I have been gone for the last week. Things have been a little busy and I needed some much needed family time. Tommy, Gwynnie and I headed back to So Cal to be with the family, not only for the holiday but to celebrate GG's life. We got in Tuesday evening and made some homemade pizza's with my mommy and Linda. It was really nice to just hang with her and let her be in the moment. I know how much I am going to miss GG I cannot begin to know how much my mommy is going to miss her. I know that my mommy will have a hard time keep a promise I had her made me (the promise that she cannot leave this world for a long long long time) but I know that she will do her best to be here as long as she can. I could not imagine my life without her in it. I love you mommy!

Me and GG
Malea and Haylee
Logan and Mason
The week has been an emotional one. I went to my GG house, with my mommy, so we could pick out GG final outfit. It was the first time that I have been in her home without her there and I was really not ready for the emotional rush I was going to get. I had to fight back the tears so I could help mommy find something nice for GG. We were definitely going to have her in her GG sweater. It is her sweater with all 8 of her grand kids and her 7 great grand kids on it. She was very proud of her family and loved to show us off. 

 We ended up picking out a red top, her nice jeans and her "GG" sweater. She looked perfect to meet back up with Poppy.  :0) GG's service was really nice. She was surrounded by all her family and friends, the people who loved her the most and those who could not make it definitely has her in their thoughts and hearts. It was really hard to say good bye, but I am comforted with the thought that I know it is not good bye, it is ta-ta for now. 

Truth and Scott

Pretty incredible women in my life!
We took the celebration back to Jim and Lisa's house where we all sat around with family and talked GG up as if she was sitting right next to us. I also made a slide show that was playing in the background at Jim and Lisa's house. I grabbed a ton of photo albums from GG house so that I could have all of GG's life available for people to see. She was an absolute Betty!!!

The day ended up being a celebration of life and truly what an incredible women she was. I have the fortunate opportunity of being apart of such an incredible family with so many unbelievable women in it. We can all be a pain in the ass, over whelming and stubborn, but everything we do is out of love. GG showed us how to be strong women and lead with our hearts and I hope that I can teach my daughter 1/2 of her strength and love.

Oh sisters!

The Monkey had a pretty busy week so far. She saw her cousin receive his Junior class ring, she went to her first Ducks game, and met new family members. She was such a good lil girl this week. Bitter Betty really did not make an appearance at all this week. She got a little cranky, but nothing to crazy. She loved seeing new faces and having new people talk to you her. She is getting more animated and trying to figure out how to control her arms and legs. I swear she is going to roll over from back to front any day now. I am convinced she is also going to pop a tooth out any day as well. She keep chewing on her fingers and is drooling a ton.

Sammie, Auntie and I

The trip home has been been filled with smiles, tears and the beginning of new memories. I am so thankful that GG got the opportunity to meet Gwynnie. She will know what kind of woman she was and how she always opened her home and her heart to all those around her. She has some pretty remarkable women around her as role models as well. To all the woman in my life thank you for being such a strong spirit for me and being a stand for greatness in yourselves and those around you. I cannot wait to see what the future brings.

Do not forget to hug those that mean the most to you and letting them know how much you love them. You never know what tomorrow will bring. So until tomorrow keep loving, laughing and living life!!!

Much Much Love,


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